In a recent Gearheads post by my colleague, Jordan Hubert, he mentioned the big screen perception of PR professionals as unscrupulous and shallow manipulators of the truth. Over the decades, this view has become almost pervasive within not only the Hollywood set, but the journalist community, and even within the walls of the PR industry itself.
I will admit that I originally thought it was pretty funny to see PR people referring to themselves in that sense (kind of the whole “this is OUR word now, and only WE can use it”). The only problem is that, even as ‘spin-doctors,’ we have been pretty ineffective at controlling the message that we were using these words tongue-in-cheek.
At this point, I think I’d really like to work on shedding the negative perception, because I still believe that the public relations role is essential, and as practitioners, we shouldn’t need to apologize for the ethically challenged subset that earned us those names in the first place.
Finally, remember that when something is said enough times, ironically or otherwise, you start believing it, regardless of its veracity.
Scott Smith
Super-Ethical Bearer of the Truth
Scott Smith can be reached at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @RealAskScott.
That's what I like to know more about press relations.
Posted by: custom essay | December 23, 2011 at 07:48 AM